Resilience – The Power of Bounce Back

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~ Mahak Garg

“People who soar are those who refuse to sit back, sigh, and wish things would change. They neither complain of their lot nor passively dream of some distant ship coming in. Rather, they visualize in their minds that they are not quitters, they will not allow life’s circumstances to push them down and hold them under”

For some people, Resilience is a sort of personality trait that can solve all the problems. For some, it is a kind of miracle that occurs in the lives of just a few people. Some think that only mentally strong people can be resilient however, it is something more than that. 

Resilience is one of the greatest traits to have in yourself. It is something related to Positive Psychology. The word “Resilience” came from the Latin word “resilience” which means “to leap back” or “to bounce back”. Resilience means the ability to recover quickly from tough situations. Now, Bounceback or Leap Back does not mean to wallow or let things down even after facing defeats, sorrows, failures, and disappointments and get up again and continue living. It is the process of adapting yourself in the time of adversity, trauma, tragedy, or the bad times that one faces.

Difference between in Being Resilient and Mentally Tough

Resilience is used interchangeably with “Mental Toughness”. Mental toughness defines how individuals deal with tough situations, stress, pressure, and challenges irrespective of the circumstances and situations. It is something that allows people to take whatever comes their way and to learn something from this phase of life. It can be said that all mentally tough people are resilient but not all resilient people are mentally tough.

Factors associated with Resilience

According to experts, Resilience is a very common trait found in almost everyone at the same time it also depends upon the outer atmosphere of an individual like how he is treated by his/her near and dear ones during any critical situation. Though this factor doesn’t always work, it depends on how the person perceives such a situation. Numerous other factors are associated with Resilience:

  •  Having positive thoughts about yourself. Believe in your decisions.
  •  Not afraid of failures.
  •  Have the capacity to stick to the plans made by the individual.
  •  Taking yourself as a fighter.
  •  Could manage emotions positively.

Some people think that Resilient people do not face any problems in their lives or they have a solution to all the problems coming their way but they find a way to solve their problems. Resilient people are not stone‐hearted. Worse conditions affect their lives as well but they have their own ways to deal with it. There is a popular myth that Resilience is a Personality Trait but it is not. Resilience is not inbuilt, it can be developed. Less resilient people can increase it through some practices that we will study later in the article.

The Importance of Resilience and How it can help to lead a Happy Life

  • In Today’s era, many people are becoming victims of depression, so resilience helps in protecting you from this phase.
  • Many people find the path of smoking or drinking to find peace, Resilience helps to overcome that.
  • Resilience helps to learn from your previous mistakes and excel in life.
  • Overall, it helps you to lead a happy and successful life.

Ways to inculcate Resilience

Now, after reading this article, you might be having the questions like How can I become Resilient or How can I have a Positive Attitude towards Life and many more. So, you all can easily inculcate this trait in yourself. We know, nothing is impossible in life and things take time to come similarly, there are some ways through which you can easily increase the power of Resilience in yourself:-

  • Spend some time with your family. Share your daily tasks with them.
  • Accept your failures, learn from them, and celebrate your achievements.
  • Make new friends. Try to communicate with different people. Either by at a bus terminus, at a shopping mall, cinema, gym, parks, etc. or find people on Social Media.
  • Due to the blessings of Technology, today you can connect with many people around you. Maybe you don’t know them but someone’s thoughts may change your way of living.
  • Join a group. Start doing exercise and pranayams as they help you to keep calm.
  • Avoid Negative thoughts. Give your all negative bouncers, a dive of positive thoughts.
  • Find the purpose of living life. Try to make a daily target and a routine to complete those targets.
  • Look for opportunities to explore yourself.
  • Maintain a hopeful way of life.
  • Learn from your past.
  • Help other people.


We can conclude that doing positive things and having a hopeful approach can help us build Resilience and one can lead a productive life with the help of this trait. So, try to invest your time in good deeds and have a positive attitude towards your goals and life.

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