Here we are at the end of June and so at the end of Pride Month 2022. The theme of this year’s pride month was ‘Politics in Art’. 

This year, we aimed to spread awareness about the LGBTQIA+ community by launching a month-long series of blogs under the theme ‘Not Just a Phase.’ 

We informed our readers about the LGBTQIA+ community, pride month, its significance, basic concepts of gender and sexual orientation, transgender inclusivity and many more.

We celebrated people for standing for their identity, their pride and the prejudice they have to face. 

Our blogs for the series ‘Not just a ‘Phase’!’

Not just a ‘Phase’!

In this blog, we discussed our aim of launching a new series on pride month. We discussed our aim to aware people of pride, and pride month, fight the gender binary, create awareness and acceptance for the LGBTQIA+ community and celebrate the individuality of a person.

Introduction to gender and LGBTQIA+

This blog is about the basics of differences between biological sex and gender. One’s chromosomal makeup decides the biological sex. However, gender is purely a social construct. 

One can visit here to know the basics of different sexual orientations.

History of pride month and this year’s pride

The blog revolves around how pride celebrations came into existence gradually after the Stonewall Riots at Manhattan in New York in 1969. It moves through many decades to witness the development of the present-day situation when there is a discourse on equal rights for LGBTQ people.

The blog also describes what’s new in this year’s pride month.

Ways to support LGBTQ members in the family

As the title suggests, the blog explores how family members can respond to realisations about one’s sexuality and help them. And how family support in the life of a non-binary person can positively bring significant transformations.

Transgender inclusivity in the workplace and various other fields

The blog analyses the cultures of workplaces, armed forces, beauty industry and sports to discuss what we should do to make gender-inclusive workplaces. For example, developing gender-neutral norms like access to gender-neutral bathrooms, dress and use of preferred pronouns.

The blog also throws light upon the ways to fight homophobia.

Inspiring stories of prominent LGBTQ members in India

Here we discuss the suffering of LGBTQ people despite relatively more acceptance and media representation. The blog contains the success stories of a few openly LGBTQ people like Dutee Chand, who stood against discrimination and achieved eatable success in life. 

Adoption struggles and policies for the LGBTQ community in India

To be published yet.

The last blog in the series throws light upon the struggles of same-sex couples during marriage and child adoption. The blog tries to dig deeper into Indian Government policies on the same and how they have changed over time.

In month-long pride celebrations every year, people are sensitised. It has brought significant change in the mindset of people and helped fight against homophobia. We aim to convert these month-long pride celebrations into a year-long celebration where non-binary people can embrace and love their identity proudly every single day of their life.

We aim at empowering and formulating a progressive change in society. The response from our readers was commendable and that’s the reason we come up with different and unique ideas. We’d like to thank you all for reading our series and promise to provide you with new series soon.

Until next time! 

Must read- 

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