Westernisation : Exposure to Culture

~ Vanshika Bansal


Westernization is also known as Europeanization or occidentalization (derived from the word Occident). It is a cultural process in which societies adopt Western culture. The process of westernisation occurs in many areas such as industry, technology, politics, economics, lifestyle, law, norms, customs, traditions, values, mentality, perceptions, diet, clothing, language, religion, and more.

 Indian culture is one of the world’s oldest and richest, with a long and storied history and a rich heritage. Every year, India hosts a plethora of festivals and celebrations. India has a population of over 1 billion people and a society that speaks more than 700 languages. However, westernisation is having an effect on Indian society. Society is increasingly evolving and becoming more western.

What has been the effect of Westernization on India?

In Indian culture, Westernization has benefited areas of Education. When the British colonised India, they encouraged education. This was done through means like, increasing literacy and providing access to knowledge to the poorest members of society. The presence of Media also increased in India.

Positive impacts of westernization 

The process of modernization Western culture has influenced India in a variety of ways. One of them was modernising India. The Indian culture is very old and will continue to do so, but the western culture is changing it to make it more modern. Many people in India, especially teenagers, are now being influenced by western media to dress more modernly, such as in jeans and tee shirts. India’s economic growth has also benefited from modernization.

Health Care in the Public Interest – In India, sanitation and public health has significantly improved as a result of westernisation.

Workforce – India’s demand for goods and services has risen as a result of the presence of western traders. Indian artisans, craftsmen, and weavers have been working as a result of this. As the number of artisans and craftsmen has increased, the Indian labour force has become more professional and useful.

Films –  Media has also come to India as a result of Westernization. For example, in America, India now has a well-known film-making industry known as ‘Bollywood,’ which originated in Hollywood. India, its history, tradition, and religion are now featured prominently in Bollywood films. Bollywood is now very well-known in India, and many people are aware of it. As a result of Western culture, India’s media has changed.

Foods – Many western foods (such as pizza, burgers, steak tacos, and so on) have found their way onto the Indian plate, while Indian foods such as Golgapa and curry are becoming more common in Europe, while western foods are becoming stronger and more popular in India. Western foods are high in fat, which is contributing to India’s rising obesity rate. Pork and meat are forbidden in Indian religion; but, after the introduction of western foods, many Indians have lost reverence for their religion and are consuming items that are forbidden in their religion. As a result, the importance of Indian religion is decreasing, and many people’s lifestyles are changing.

Westernization has had a negative effect on Indian society.

Dressings are a type of dressing Indian culture‘s traditional clothing is being ruined by Westernization. In India, for example, traditional attire includes the sari, dhoti, and kurta; however, many people now wear western clothing such as jeans and tee-shirts, and girls wear short skirts and tops. In India, about 25% of the population wears western clothes. 

Language is one of the most important aspectsThere are over 700 languages spoken in India. Many of these mother tongue languages, however, are starting to become extinct. To get a good job, you must know the basic language (English) or other additional languages, as is customary. Many people today are concentrating on these languages and forgetting about their mother tongue, making their faithless important.

Lifestyles and peopleMany people’s lifestyles have changed as a result of Westernization. There is no longer any such thing as an Indian lifestyle. Most things have changed, such as reverence for children and elders, the value of a family, marriage, clothes, festivals, foods, names, languages, and even having cosmetic surgery to look more westernised People are adapting and attempting to adapt in the same way as westerners do. In India, Westernization is also reducing lifestyle equality. In Indian culture, visiting a temple necessitates appropriate attire, though it is alarming to see how many teenagers today dress like modern people, with trendy haircuts, jeans, and tee-shirts, for example.

A piece of music – Owing to the adoption of western culture, Indian music has undergone significant changes. Indians have their own traditional music and instruments such as the flute and drums, but they are now using new instruments such as guitars to make their music, and Indian songs now sound entirely different than they did before.

So, is westernisation beneficial or harmful?

Westernization has had many negative effects on India, but it has also had many positive effects since the benefits of westernisation outnumber the disadvantages. Nonetheless, India must be cautious of globalisation because it will alter India’s faith, culture, and tradition in the future. Today, many people from various cultures are westernising themselves. Westernization has become widespread throughout the world, especially in India. Plastic surgery is often used to make people look more western because it gives the back a rounder, perkier appearance and straightens the hair. People want to transform themselves in this way because they are unhappy with their current state. They still believe that being Western is superior and that they have a long history of dominance.



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