Online Education – “Divide and Unequal access”

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Essence of Education

As everyone knows, education is a right of every child and not a privilege for anyone and welcoming the latest inventions and updates are also equally important in all sectors of the world. But whilst embracing new technology this point should be reckoned that, there should not be any misuse, and no one should suffer due to the same. Education is the essence of a successful life and it helps in shaping the future of every individual. ‘Moving forward with pride is good, but leaving the weaker part behind is not’, hence everyone should get equal access, opportunities and benefits. Weaker sections of society should also get acknowledged in every decision for the future.

Education during the Pandemic

But, as far the decision of digitalisation and technological updates is concerned then this step might be ignoring a weaker or lower section of the society through many means and the instance of Online Education is best suited to realise this; Before the Nationwide Lockdown due to Corona Virus which affected almost all over the world, online education was growing uniformly in India, which would definitely give value in long run to everyone but due to lockdown, India seemed to rush towards online facilities that seemed to deepen a pre-existing digital divide and led to unequal access to the public of India. The concern about lower classes, who are not able to access the internet currently is left behind.

Online Education might suppress The Right to Education

The topic ‘Online Education vs Traditional’ and ‘Online Exams vs Classroom Exams’ is still relevant for many students and Institutions. ‘Nothing is perfect in this world’ if it is said that people need updates from time to time it does not mean that with those advancements there will be no shortcomings. Some students who are below the poverty line or are from poor backgrounds face many difficulties while attempting online exams. The basic obstacle is that they do not have enough resources to even access their basic ‘Right to Education’ and the other point of difficulty is that, if suppose they are able to manage the resources, then no one from their family is educated enough to aid them. 

Condition of Lower Sections

These are points where the lower section of society lacks behind in the current system of online education. Practical knowledge and training have their own value in teaching students. It is difficult to maintain decorum and curriculum of education on online platforms and it may not be able to reach its full strength. A gradual Step-by-Step process towards online exams and online degrees will be more beneficial as it will provide equal opportunity to everyone to increase their potential fairly and effectively as ‘Longer the jump-off on Stairs, greater the risk to slip down’.

Must Read: Education in 2020

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