Jazbaa was the name of the annual event of SKCF. The SKCF family on the 25th of every December celebrates two very major things, one is the birthday of our president, Mr. Raghav Sharma, and the other is the foundation day of SKCF. SK Children Foundation was founded in 2016, it’s not just an NGO working for the development of underprivileged kids but has become a family, a sense of hope, and a feeling of belongingness for every person associated with it in any form be it a volunteer or a child or anyone.
The year 2022 has been very grateful and loving for SKCF as our virtual classes were going on really well. The initiatives taken forward were also getting good support. We took up some new initiatives also. Moreover, the highlight of the year was the dream school. The dream school was our founder’s major aim, which came true in the year 2022. This year we also celebrated various other events in a very successful manner. Starting with Independence Day in August followed by DIL-WALI Diwali in October. So all of us had big hopes for the 25th of December.
We had various people come to the event as special guests. Famous content creators RJ Mohit, Naman Kapoor, and Nishchay Verma graced the event. Mr. Harshit Vij honored our event by being the guest of honor at the event.

One of the major highlights of Jazbaa was the distribution of awards as a token of respect, acknowledgment, and appreciation for our superheroes, the volunteers. Every volunteer is the backbone of our NGO. The token of appreciation was distributed by our founder, Mr. Raghav Sharma along with Mr. Harshit Vij.
Words of wisdom were also shared by Mr. Raghav Sharma and our guests. Their speeches compelled us to think and also to be thankful for everything we have. The event had a main aim i.e.“Sweater Distribution Drive” for the children. SKCF has been doing this wonderful activity of distributing clothes for the children for years. As we also face the harsh winters of Delhi, but it impacts kids the most. Distribution of clothes is a part of our NGO’s vision for the upliftment of underprivileged kids.
It filled the hearts of everyone present there with joy when we all saw the smiling faces of the children. Maybe for us, a sweater and cap are not a big deal but there are people who can’t afford winter clothing that easily. Sometimes we might not feel but these little actions can mean so much to someone.
If you thought that this was the end of Jazbaa. Then wait up. There’s more! After all, this began the real fun!
There were amazing dance and singing performances given by our children which surely made everyone feel mesmerized. This was just the start! To startle everyone and make everyone go curious and searching for answers, we had a magic show. With such amazing and hard-to-resist magic tricks filled with glitter and confetti. Both literally and metaphorically!
After the performances, there was something more fun. We know that a party is not a party unless there’s a cake present. So, as it was the birthday of our founder, Mr. Raghav Sharma, we had a big cake. Hopefully enough for everyone. Along with that many volunteers and children had brought in beautiful gifts, handmade cards, and flowers for him. The students were the most excited and sang a Happy Birthday song not just in Hindi and English but also in Sanskrit.
The event came to an end with an open DJ. Everyone was grooving to the music and enjoying themselves. The children had the most amazing time. Even the volunteers and the guests could not stop themselves from shaking their legs with the children.

It felt as if Jazbaa filled all of us with a new zeal. It made us all enjoy and appreciate the small moments of life. To find joy in the crazy magic tricks, to be happy for the children, to share some laughs with others, and to groove to some music. To live!
We came to the end of the event with high hopes for the new year-hope for the new future and hope for a better world. We believe that SKCF will continue to grow like this and will continue to be a solace for the kids and its volunteers.
One Response
Lovely Blog. Thanks for making me relive the joyful moments !! ✨❤️