How Is Playing By Learning Better Than Theoretical Learning

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By- tejas Bobe

Education is the backbone of any country. It is no secret that the moreeducated and learned its citizens are, the more prosperous a country is. So, it makes only sense that a country should heavily invest in educating its children and making sure they receive the best education. However, for many years we’ve witnessed people criticize our education system and how primary schools are heavily dependent on theoretical knowledge rather than practical one. So, is it necessary for us to incorporate practical learning in the curriculum at an early stage?

Root cause of the problem faced

First of all, theoretical and practical learning are both very different, but it is very important to include them both equally, instead of choosing one and ignoring the other. Both play a significant role in the building blocks of education. Indian education system relies heavily on the theoretical curriculum and evaluates the capabilities of a child based on the theoretical knowledge they gain. It gives more importance to the written work rather than the other aspects. But the question arises, whether this method is beneficial in the long run? Most people would point out that the answer is surely a ‘no’. The pressure of having a good result by both the parents and the school authority leads a child to rather mug up whatever he or she needs, rather than taking out time and truly understanding the concepts. Though this creates a temporary illusion of the child passing out with flying colours, eventually when the time arises to apply the knowledge gained, we realise that so much less of what we were taught has any real- world applications. But if the problem is so much visible to everyone, is there any possible solution to this?

Theoretical and practical learning should work simultaneously

Educational boards and school authorities should focus more on adapting to a curriculum and teaching methods which are practical, application-based and fun to learn by children. During school life, children are of the age and mental status where they would show their interest and
work hard only if there’s a certain amount of fun for them to look forward to. They would prefer to learn a topic while being on open grounds and playing, rather than sit for long lasting lectures. The reason completely makes sense because it’s a basic tendency of a human being to show
interest only if it means a bit of fun in the process involved. Schools should use the method of practical demonstration, live experimentation as it is also a scientifically proven fact that visual
experience with participation creates a more long-lasting memory than reading or hearing the same stuff. Scientific concepts should be explained in such a way that the children could relate to them in their own ways by showing the applications of the concepts they read, in their daily lives. It is believed that the mind works better when it is not restricted under closed
boundaries of classrooms. Hence, teachers should try to make the students learn while playing which would increase the overall participation in the learning process. Extracurricular activities are one of the best-proven methods of teaching various skills in a way that they would grasp the attention of the children and make them curious and increase their inquisitiveness. Activities like
singing, dancing, painting, drama should be taught in schools as these are the skills in which the kids would show more interest and at the same time could be appreciated in the real world. Student’s participation in these activities brings out the real character within them and then helps
to shape and evolve it accordingly, making them diminish their fear and build a foundation on which they can go on to learn more and more in the coming years of their life. Including educational games for children would also have a positive effect, as it will develop a feeling of competitiveness while also making the process fun

Physical education is an important aspect

Importance of physical education in the curriculum should be increased, as it is one of the important aspects of learning. A healthy mind and body are of utmost importance for learning any new skills in life. Primary schools should include physical education as a major part of the curriculum as it develops a keen interest in kids to maintain a fit and healthy body and at the same time, sports leads to strong character development. As the process of playing while learning is preferred while taking these sessions, children learn more during this time than in the closed classrooms. This helps us in understanding the need for a new method of learning where the children get an opportunity to learn while playing and create an atmosphere where learning becomes a fun part of their childhood. A key part of this would be to include extracurricular activities as a part of academics. These activities should be brought in such a way that it helps in the overall holistic development of the children.

Development of social skills

Development of social skills should be an integral part of education. These skills are the ones which help to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and help with its application in the real world. These skills are developed in the school only when they are able to mingle with others, take part in public events in school, given opportunities to show their talent and also by being there for others whenever needed. These are things which are of as much importance as the knowledge which comes through the texts which they might have been learning fir the whole year.

The Bottom Line

In the present times of this pandemic when everyone is locked to their homes, technology has bridged the gap for the children to learn at the convenience of their homes. E-learning has proved to be of huge benefit in the whole scenario of learning from home. The use of 3D graphics, audiovisuals, simulation, and live diagrams have made the concepts easier, more easy and fun to cope with, which were otherwise difficult in the classrooms. The concepts taught through e-learning have made the  goal to teach the fundamentals of each concept more likely, for both teachers and students. These technologies should be brought even into normal schooling life after the pandemic ends. The symbiotic collaboration between physical classrooms and digital learning can only lead to a system of education which would foresee its future and adapt itself to the new challenges coming up, and make the children ready for them in every possible way.

Must Read: Social and Emotional Learning

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