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The SK Children Foundation went on a trip to the National Zoological Park on February 19, 2023. The trip included children, volunteers, and the founder of the NGO, Raghav Sharma. It was fun as well as a learning experience for the children. Not only the children visited the Zoological Park, but they also went to India Gate from there. The trip was a fun experience with lots of games and activities.

The SK Children Foundation believes in the holistic development of children and that learning should not be confined within the four walls of the classroom. It was a wholesome experience for the children and the volunteers. The children felt close to nature and understood its importance. They were extremely curious and had lots of questions about seeing the animals. Our founder has repeatedly mentioned that these children’s smiles have been the constant driving force to continue with the NGO despite the hardships faced.


The trip was a lively and fun-filled experience for everyone. It started with all the children, volunteers, and Raghav Sharma boarding the bus early in the morning. They kicked off a fun-filled journey with a rhythmic journey song, which was

सारे के सारे बच्चे हमारे गाते चले, गाते चले 

सारे के सारे बच्चे प्यारे ZOO INDIA GATE चले, गाते चले 

पापा नहीं है मम्मी नहीं है

प्यारे टीचरो के साथ हैं सारे

सारे के सारे बच्चे हमारे गाते चले,

ZOO मे हाथी मिलेगा,बंदर मिलेगा चलो चलें गाते चले

शेर मिलेगा चीता मिलेगा चलो चलें गाते चले

खाने को चिप्स मिलेंगे बिस्कुट मिलेंगे चलो चलें गाते चले

सैंडविच मिलेगा फ्रूटी मिलेगी चलो चलें गाते चले 

Skcf की पिकनिक पर खूब मजा करेंगे चलो चलें गाते चले

ऐसा मौका सबको नहीं मिला है चलो चलें गाते चले

सारे के सारे बच्चे हमारे गाते चले

सारे के सारे बच्चे प्यारे ZOO INDIA GATE चले, गाते चले 

पापा नहीं है मम्मी नहीं है

प्यारे टीचरो के साथ हैं सारे

It was also complemented by refreshments and hearty laughter. The trip filled the children with new energy. All the kids and volunteers played interesting games and interacted with one another. They played the dog-and-bone game, which was very thrilling for the players. At the same time, the game went head-on, and everyone was so engrossed in it that they all started cheering loudly for their respective teams.

The children also got a chance to get to know each other better and make new friends. The kids also showcased their talents. The volunteers and the kids danced to quite several songs. On the bus, everyone enjoyed their ice cream. Raghav Sharma interacted with the kids individually, making videos, taking pictures, and having some exciting and curious conversations with them on the trip.


The SK Children Foundation is committed to the overall development of children. The trip to the National Zoological Park and India Gate was an attempt in this direction. They were extremely amused and fascinated by seeing various animals, birds, and insects in the Zoological Park. The children not only had loads of fun but also gained information about various animals, their habitats, and each animal’s special characteristics. The curious minds had a lot of interesting questions, which our volunteers very happily answered. They were also informed about India Gate and its history. 

The motive of the trip was not limited to telling the children only about the zoo but to allow them to interact and get to know each other well. The children got a chance to learn and implicitly model basic behaviour. Moreover, everyone who went for the picnic ensured that they did not litter the place and kept their surroundings clean and green. Everyone was all smiles and enjoyed the picnic a lot. The volunteers felt content and delighted looking at the happy kids. Our founder Raghav Sharma’s happiness was also clearly evident when he was with the kids.

                                                                                                                    -SURABHI SINGH

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