Thanks To Pandemic


~ Prakriti Prakash

Another day, another year

Still full of silence, rage, and fear

When will this end? Will this ever stall?

Is there anything left to be grateful for?


Empty roads, friends apart

Broken hearts, full of scars

When sadness starts taking a toll

Is there anything left to be grateful for?


Sirens wail, distancing a norm

The world is shaken by this storm

When it feels like sky is about to fall

Is there anything left to be grateful for?



I see the birds, I watch the moon

Stars twinkle, flowers bloom

Winds have been hitting my windows

A lot more than they used to do



Food’s still on my plate, family around

Roof on my head, I’m safe and sound

And though it’s tough to stay at home

My distresses are not that profound


Taking such things for granted –

Food, shelter, clothes to wear

It took a pandemic for me to realize

These are actually precious and rare


Credits to the pandemic, I no more wonder

If there’s anything left to be thankful for

For all I know and believe is this-

There’s always something to be grateful for.

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