Will Board Exams Be Affected?
By~ Kushal The exam is an assessment test conducted to evaluate the knowledge of students. Students must pass exams to earn credits and move to the next class. Board exams
By~ Kushal The exam is an assessment test conducted to evaluate the knowledge of students. Students must pass exams to earn credits and move to the next class. Board exams
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~ Eashani Sharma The preamble of the Indian Constitution states that India is a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic. But what does it mean? In simple terms, a democratic republic means
~ Risha and Priya Education is a long-term investment. The time and effort put into the process could be invariably fruitful. It is a necessity that doesn’t get distinguished between
~ Suhasi Khanna Takshashila University is supposedly considered one of the oldest and earliest international universities of the world, established around the sixth and fifth century. Being the oldest University of India,
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~ Tejas Bobe It is the time of the year when the entire northeast, along with other parts of India lights up. The aartis, the hymns, the celebration, gathering in
~ Eashani sharma Many of us have grown up hearing tales of gods and goddesses, their struggles, love and how they overcame obstacles. Names such as Ram and Sita, Radha
~ Risha Festivals are an inherent part of our culture. India is home to a wide variety of communities with their respective cultures and traditions. Unique in every way, these
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