Migration refers to the movement of people from one country to another and from one place of residence to other. These people are known are refugeesMigration is a global issue that has external as well as internal challenges. The external challenge is to strike a balance between the commitment to protecting the human rights of refugees seeking political and economic independence and the demand for foreign labor. The internal challenge is to ensure the social integration of refugee and their children and to educate them to become contributing members of society.No country is capable of handling the migration problem alone. There is a need for global cooperation on the international stage. There are various types of cross-border migration. It includes both refugees and volunteer immigrants.

Who is a migrant?

A migrant is a person who moves away from his or her place of residence whether within a country or across an international border, temporarily or permanently, due to various factors. Migrants can expand a country’s workforce, promote investment, and accelerate prosperity.
However, in many developed nations, migration can also aid in addressing the problems brought on by aging populations. According to our analysis, immigrants could assist ease the burden on pension and healthcare costs over the medium term, and in the short term, the net budgetary impact is frequently negligible.

Who is a refugee?

Refugees are people who are forced to leave their country. Refugees have crossed an international border in search of protection in another nation after fleeing war, violence, conflict, or persecution. International law defines a refugee as, “ someone unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.”

Factors responsible for Migration

There could be a lot of factors forcing an individual to move away from their hometown, a place with which they connect emotionally. A person emigrating knows that there will be problems and is ready to endure these problems because of hope. Hope to get better opportunities, hope to have more doors open to ace in life. Hope to get a better life for themselves and their loved ones.  

Effects of Migration in Countries of Destination

The country of emigrants faces issues and so does the country of the immigrants, the country accepting immigrants goes through troubles. There are countries unaware of the ground realities of the stage of immigration in it, for instance, take India. The destination countries already might be suffering with problems for their citizens but there will be people part of the nation who are not even citizens of the nation. There will be more distribution of everything, more usage of every resource but less income for the country. There will be problems in the population of the country, the government will have loose statistics regarding the country. All will have an impact on both the micro and macro levels. 

Strategies to integrate migrants

The world knows about the issue of migration. It’s a part of the world now and can not be stopped. So we need to work on the positives of it now. The leaders need to look at ways to integrate migrants, as to how can they work and have a better future for themselves and society. Some of the strategies are to provide them with better education and health services. To provide the migrants with the opportunities for which they have come looking. 

International Migrants Day: acknowledging migration 

18th December has been marked as International Migrants day, since 2000. 

To the benefit of their countries of origin, transit, and host nations, migrants have demonstrated that they are a source of prosperity, creativity, and sustainable development. Their monetary support through remittances provides a lifeline to families and boosts local economies, particularly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries, while their contribution to the labor force continues to be crucial as demonstrated on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Their networks, knowledge, and abilities have made a significant contribution to the growth of resilient communities. 

The need for Global Cooperation

Migration is a global issue. Migration pressures across borders are expected to rise in the future decades as a result of demographic trends, globalization, and environmental degradation. Furthermore, cross-border problems necessitate cross-border solutions.

Therefore, global policy initiatives must concentrate on improving coordination and communication among the affected nations. To handle migration as a global issue, equitable burden-sharing must be encouraged, remittance flows must be made easier, labor rights must be upheld, and migrant workers must be provided with a safe and secure workplace.

All the member countries of the UN are impacted by large-scale movements of refugees and migrants, which calls for closer cooperation and responsibility sharing.


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